Hawkeye and Disability Representation in the Media
The character Hawkeye , also known as Clint Barton, is a Marvel superhero that emerged in the midst of the Marvel Age. Created by writer Stan Lee and penciler Don Heck, he bears no actual superpowers, but Hawkeye has excellent reflexes and very keen eyesight. He uses his heightened reflexes and superb eyesight to excel in hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship, making him a vital member of the Avengers. While these traits remain constant throughout the comic books, another is not so consistent. At various points throughout the comics Hawkeye loses his hearing, but it does not seem to stick. Because of the trauma that Hawkeye experiences, he should be a character that deals with the disability of deafness; however, it is up to the writer whether they choose to make him deaf or not. ...